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species Tomato- Metabolomics - 2006 (T06002)   |  Lycopersicon esculentum
UMR 619 Biologie du Fruit - INRA, University Bordeaux 1 and 2 - Bordeaux (France)

Global approach to characterize changes in metabolic profiles in two interdependent tissues Seed and Flesh from the same tomato fruits during tomato fruit development.

Reference: DOI:10.1007/s11306-007-0059-1

Fabien Mounet, Martine Lemaire-Chamley, Mickaël Maucourt, Cécile Cabasson, Jean-Luc Giraudel, Catherine Deborde, René Lessire, Philippe Gallusci, Anne Bertrand, Monique Gaudillère, Christophe Rothan, Dominique Rolin and Annick Moing. Quantitative metabolic profiles of tomato flesh and seeds during fruit development: complementary analysis with ANN and PCA. Metabolomics, 2007, 3:273-288

Experiment NameTissue/OrganEnv. ConditionsBSGTIDev. StageTechSD
Tomato-FleshpericarpNormalWTAilsa Craig1FF.01 fruit size 30% (8)
FF.02 fruit size 50% (12)
FF.03 fruit size 70% (20)
FF.04 final fruit size (35)
FR.04 fruit ripening complete (45)
1H NMR29
Tomato-SeedseedNormalWTAilsa Craig1FF.01 fruit size 30% (8)
FF.02 fruit size 50% (12)
FF.03 fruit size 70% (20)
FF.04 final fruit size (35)
FR.04 fruit ripening complete (45)
1H NMR25

Env. Conditions :Environmental ConditionsDev. Stage :Development Stage
BS :BackgroundTech :Analytical technique
GT :GenotypeSD :Number of Spectral Data
I :Number of individuals